2 Ways to Flash Fill in Excel
This technique will show 2 ways how to fill a column quickly using flash fill feature in Excel.
1. Excel Auto-detection
Excel is very clever in detecting patterns in a set of values. If you are in the middle of inputing your data, pay attention to the suggestions of Excel which will be shown in small window with grey text. Once you see this, press 'Enter' and viola your column will be filled automatically. See screen recording below as an example.

2. Using Ribbon Menu
Another way to access the 'Flash Fill' is by accessing it from the ribbon. Once you have the first data entered, go to Data > Flash Fill. Excel will fill the column depending on the first inputted value. See recording below for example.

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Excelcrib was founded in November 2017 by a Microsoft® Office Excel® (MS Excel) enthusiast with background in engineering. He's been using MS Excel for more than 15 years in practice with specialty in VBA.
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